Harnessing the Potential of the Youth
One strategy for positive world change is to harness the hope and optimism of youth. The CHOICE Humanitarian Jr. Board is a group of motivated self-starters ranging from middle to high school ages who strive to view the world through a global lens. As they consider the challenges of youth, families, and communities around the world, they work to expand choices in the countries where CHOICE serves by volunteering their time and energy to fundraisers, events, and sometimes even expeditions.
Jr. Board’s Beginnings
About six years ago, former CHOICE CEO Leah Barker and former Board Member Kristin Stockham worked together to find a way to apply the powerful capability of the youth toward reducing global poverty. They came up with the idea of the Jr. Board, which would be a group of youngsters that would help CHOICE Humanitarian carry out events and projects. Leah and Kristin helped set up the Jr. Board, and then Board Members Ann Watts and Teresa Larsen came on as passionate mentors. Since then, dozens of youths have been a part of the Jr. Board with participants from Salt Lake and Utah Counties in Utah, as well as California and Nevada.
Enthusiasm and Experience on Expedition
These inspiring young people share their enthusiasm for global good by serving 4-20 hours per month in fundraising or volunteer opportunities that support CHOICE’s mission. In June 2022, the CHOICE Jr. Board experienced their second expedition to Navajo Nation where they sheared sheep, worked in hoophouses, and helped move earth from a landslide that was obstructing a crucial water source.

"Having been on several expeditions with the CHOICE Jr. Board, I am continuously amazed.” said Riley Greenwood, CHOICE’s Director of Social Innovation. Riley recently returned from a youth-focused expedition with the Jr. Board that went to Mexico. “Traveling to a different country can be nerve-wracking for many young people, but these kids show maturity and strength beyond their years during these expeditions." First-hand observation of humanitarian challenges helps to build a bridge of understanding of global issues. This connection and exchange, particularly amongst youth, can help unlock human potential for all involved.

The CHOICE Jr. Board has also actively raised funds in the past year by conducting a highly successful Art Fest in summer of 2022. At the fundraiser, they sold donated works of art, pottery, jewelry, t-shirts designed for the event, and Navajo tacos in a festive architectural outdoor space.

Being that the Jr. Board Art Fest was so popular, the Jr. Board will be holding one again in order to fund projects in rural Mexico, where they traveled to earlier this year. The 2023 Art Fest will be held at Upwall Design on June 17th. Learn more at the CHOICE Humanitarian Jr. Board Instagram.
Rosie Nielsen, a member of the CHOICE Jr. Board since 2020, says that being on the board has made her life better: “One of my favorite parts about CHOICE is the amazing people that I have met and get to work with. They inspire me to be a better person.”
When asked about the Jr. Board, Jen Dyer, Director of Community and Corporate Impact for CHOICE, had this to say: “The CHOICE Humanitarian Jr. Board is filled with young, motivated leaders who selflessly share their time, talents, and love of global humanitarianism to contribute to the CHOICE mission and goals.” Jen continued, “I am continually amazed by their love of and dedication to helping provide opportunities for those living in rural poverty. A truly stellar group of individuals!”
How Youth Can Change the World
While it’s inspiring to find a group so dedicated to changing the world, it’s even more motivating to see a team of young people working together toward a goal they agree upon. Weekends that could be spent hanging out with friends are spent helping with art shows, fundraisers, and other CHOICE Humanitarian events. If these youthful humanitarians are a peek into the future, we can trust that the CHOICE mission is in good hands.