Travel is one of life’s grand adventures. It is only through close and personal interactions with people, rich traditions, and cultural nuance that textbook knowledge can translate to tangible human experience. Travel takes on a variety of forms and each form or experience has its unique place. The “tourist” scratches the surface of a place, people, and culture. The tourist visits the noteworthy local sites, selectively samples local cuisine, and returns at night to the creature comforts to which they have become accustomed.

The “traveler” leans into a place and a culture. They live among the people and observe their day-to-day customs, traditions, and culture. They eat where the locals eat, sleep in local villages or hotels, and experience meaningful interactions with local people. A level of personal comfort and familiarity is swapped for more immersive experiences and unforeseen adventures.
The next level is the “traveler with purpose.” This type of travel embraces a certain level of spontaneity and consists of working side by side with locals in a spirit of cooperation and unity. This traveler is not arrogant in approach but is willing to allow an unscripted cultural exchange to unfold while viewing the world through a local lens. This is a CHOICE Humanitarian expedition experience.

Where else could you experience the sweet offering of a hot tortilla right off the stove in a humble village kitchen far from the nearest paved road? Or graciously accept warm buffalo milk from the prized family water buffalo in a terraced mountain village in rural Nepal? Or sit on a dirt floor and make rag dolls for school children with village women as they talk and laugh together? This type of very personal and culturally “up-close travel” touches your heart and soul in a way that a tourist attraction never will.
Tourist vs. traveler? There is a place for both and both have merit and value. The world is a big and beautiful place full of people, places, and amazing sites. However, why not up your travel game? Step outside your normal travel gig for something uniquely rich and culturally interactive. Consider making a trip about people and not places. There is nothing like a CHOICE Humanitarian experience to help facilitate an immersive experience while creating a safe environment both in terms of accommodations and food safety. Simply unforgettable!
In fact, why not join a group this summer to Kenya, Ecuador, Nepal, or Peru? Check the CHOICE Humanitarian website for details. You won’t be sorry!
Author Bio: Teresa Larsen was introduced to CHOICE Humanitarian in 1989 when she was inspired to have her family experience their first CHOICE expedition. The expeditions were turning points for the entire Larsen clan. She now serves CHOICE as both a board member and Certified Expedition Leader. With a degree from Brigham Young University and a true DIY (do it yourself) attitude, Teresa constantly looks for ways to get involved and creatively provide solutions. She loves to run, cycle, cook, travel, write and appreciates handiwork from each and every culture. A particular passion of hers is to assist with the Days For Girls project in each country where she serves, which helps girls stay in school and have all opportunities available to them.